Brave reward - unsupported countries

I have two devices linked to an account on uphold. Suddenly one is disconnected from my account and has the message that the area is not supported. I am from GREECE. The other device is connected normally to uphold. What happens? Do you know when it will be made? Because they stopped supporting countries for so many months, everything was fine

Same problem from FRANCE ( the area is not supported )

i have the same problem. i’m from Costa Rica and i have 2 devices connected but on the computer i have that problem a few days ago :frowning:

Once the other one disconnects, which it eventually will, then you’ll not receive payments to Uphold or Gemini. Until they resolve some issues, only 19 countries are able to link/relink Brave Rewards with Gemini or Uphold.

You can read in detail about everything at PSA: Unsupported Region. If you haven’t seen that Topic yet, you’ll want to read it in its entirety.

As to how long until they bring your region back, nobody knows. The estimated timeline to get places like France (@gaetanvv) and India were 2 months, but that’s not promised. How many other countries they will be able to bring back in that same timeframe is not known. They do know not all will be brought back at once. Unfortunately as they are still navigating through everything, they can’t say specific countries and they don’t want to tell us the specifics of what’s going on. Only that they had issues with government regulations and that other countries (like Philippines) had a lot of fraud. So they are rebuilding how they handle things in order to try to protect themselves and Users better.

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