Brave reward is missing

I had made around 30 bat this month and today while check in morning it shows 4 bat only kindly fix the issue


@steeven kindly look into this matter or else my hard earned bat will be lost. @eljuno

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@Nasheed Please don’t post screenshots which contains sensitive data publicly. You can DM to @steeven


Me also…i have made 12 BAT this month but when i checked it today it was only 4 BAT, Pls fixed this issue because i am not the only one who lost BAT token,there are are others who lost more and bigger balance BAT.


@steeven look into this matter plz

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The pending rewards is stuck at 23.1
The ad notifications received this month droped to 0 from around 450.

I received 15 ads today and pending rewards increased to 23.8 but again now the ads notification dropped to 0 and the pending rewards is back to 23.1

The rewards keep dropping repeatedly.

I have also noticed deduction in pending rewards in 2 other devices that I have in both the devices the ads notification keep increasing but the pending rewards is decreasing.

Device details-
Redmi Note 7
Android version 9

Brave browser is also latest.

@sampson @eljuno see to the issue

Same thing happening to me since 2 weeks my BATS are stuck at 28. I lost more than 12 BATS coz of resetting the ads received to 0 every single day.

I had almost 250 bat but this morning i showed 0 bat, i refreshed and now i have 159…what is happening

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Thank you for reporting! Please DM with the following information:

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals)
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version)
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in Settings --> Brave Rewards.

This will help to speed up the troubleshooting. Thank you in advance!

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Check your dm plz… Already sended @steeven

Same thing happened to me twice months ago. I contacted support and provided the same info. Nothing happened.

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