Brave not installing on Windows 7. Error- 0xa0430721. Dont want to update my OS

I uninstalled Brave because I had some issues. I deleted every file possible of Brave. Then I downloaded the setup of Brave Release v1.47.186 but It said “No Update is Available”. After I click on Help, the error code displays.
Error 1
Error 2

@NoUsername666 you chose wrong package is why.

To copy/paste from a response by someone else:

  1. BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup.exe for win 64
  2. BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup32.exe for win 32
  3. BraveBrowserStandaloneSetupArm64.exe for win using arm 64

So it depends on which Windows 7 OS you’re using. Is it 64-bit, 32-bit, or what?

If using Windows 7, you will need the last supported version