Brave is starting but not opening a window

After restarting my computer today, I go to open brave and it’s doing something strange. I have it pinned to my taskbar, but it’s making a second taskbar icon like in the uploaded image. 1

It’s not bringing up a window; all I have is this second taskbar icon. The computer acts like there’s a window but there’s not even the outline of a blank window; there’s nothing. Also, when I hover over the desktop shortcut the cursor turns into the loading circle and I can’t click it.

That is pretty strange – it looks like you’re loading a specific profile based on the image you shared. Is that profile icon associated with the browsing profile you normally use? Additionally, can you try launching Brave from the command line and see if that makes a difference? To do this:

  1. In the Windows search bar, type cmd then press Enter
  2. Enter the command "C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe"

I uninstalled again and ran CC cleaner, and now it works but my profile’s gone. I assume there’s not much I can do about that at this point?

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