Brave freezes for a whole minute when I go to one website with ou without the shields enabled. This website works perfectly fine on Chrome (with or without adblocker) or with Edge.
Does it hang when you visit the link you have provided or when you log in?
Also are there any extensions/programs you have active or enabled that could be interfering?
It hangs on all pages of this website.
I disabled all my extensions but it doesn’t change anything. All pages of the website freeze, even the homepage.
The page loads, but then I can’t click on any link or field because everything is frozen (even the tab seems unresponsive: I can’t middle click on it to close it for instance, I do need to click on the cross to close it).
Sometimes, the message “Page Unresponsive” appears:
Thanks for clarifying, I do see what you’re experiencing.
I will bring this to the attention of our team for further investigation.
In the mean time, if you are able to go to your Dev Tools in the browser do you see a net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT message in the console?