Brave Freezes and Uses High CPU and Memory

Description of the issue:
Brave becomes super slow to load pages and freezes a lot. Pages take 30s to 1 min to even start loading.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. It just happens every time I open a page like gmail or any website

Expected result:
The page loading should work correctly and not use high memory and CPU

Brave Version( check About Brave):
1.69.168 - Latest

Additional Information:
Issus started happening in the last week
When the issue happens I see the Utility: Network Service in Brave Task Manager is using 99% CPU and over 1GB of memory footprint. Once the issue goes away the Utility: Network Service drops to 1% CPU and 47000K memory footprint

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Same here. Frustrating. Ridiculously slow. So slow that it’s making me want to look for a new browser.

@Rubbinio Thanks for providing some of the basics from the template, but we’ll need more details to figure out what’s happening. If you can answer the following, it will help narrow down the issue:

  1. Does this happen on all websites?

  2. Are you using a VPN?

  3. Does disabling Shields make any difference? (Have you added any custom filters?)

  4. Does the issue still occur in a private window?

  5. If you create a second browser profile (without adding extensions or changing settings), does the issue persist?

  6. Can you test this on Brave Beta or Nightly to see if the issue occurs there?

  7. If none of the above work, can you test on Chrome and advise if the issue happens there too?

It may also help to check your DNS, ensure no antivirus or internet security is blocking anything, and run a scan for viruses or malware.

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I am also getting the same problem.

I haven’t figured out any one particular website.

Has been happening for a while now that I think of it perhaps, and I have been force restarting not knowing what it was…

W11 here, will try to test other scenarios but I have a weird setup - tho sounds like others having same issue: W11 bootcamp on 2019 MBP w/ external GPU 6900XT (technically unsupported GPU and drivers but probably unrelated; games work fine, high fps/refresh rate).

I have 1password installed as an extension maybe that’s something.

@lemmiwinks I’d say definitely test everything I mentioned just above your reply. But as you mention graphics, you could also try disabling Use graphics acceleration when available, which is found at brave://settings/system just to see if it makes a difference.

Edge just freezed it as well, so I guess chromium issue maybe? I’ll try the gpu acceleration.

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Disabling GPU Acceleration will increase CPU, Esp Noticeable in video playback.

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  1. Does this happen on all websites?
    No, the most reproducible one is Gmail where it always happens but it randomly happens to other sites as well, but not all

  2. Are you using a VPN?
    Yes, NordVPN though on or off doesn’t make a difference

  3. Does disabling Shields make any difference? (Have you added any custom filters?)
    No, I can reproduce it in Gmail with both Shields up and down and no custom filters added

  4. Does the issue still occur in a private window?
    I just tried twice and no Gmail loads fast and so do my emails.

  5. If you create a second browser profile (without adding extensions or changing settings), does the issue persist?
    I will try and report back

  6. Can you test this on Brave Beta or Nightly to see if the issue occurs there?
    I will try and report back

  7. If none of the above work, can you test on Chrome and advise if the issue happens there too?
    Last I used Chrome it did not but I will reinstall and try

@Rubbinio Thanks for all the info! From what you’re saying about the private window, it seems like the issue doesn’t occur there, which could narrow it down to either a bad cookie or an extension.

At this point, you can either clear all your cookies (I recommend clearing for all time) or disable/remove your extensions to test which one is causing the problem. I know checking everything can be tedious, but it’s highly likely one of those two is the cause.

I will try that and reply with the results.

Ok so I am still at a loss with this

  1. I cleaned all my cookies like suggested and disabled all the extensions in my profile and no luck, it would work ok for a bit and than start again
  2. So I created a new profile with no extensions or cookies and extensions and worked ok for a couple of days than it started happening
  3. In private mode doesn’t matter for how long i keep it running it never happens

It does seem to be related somehow to google apps because it happens if i open Gmail, Google Calendar, Photos or Drive. No other site seems to do anything remotely similar. When I open any of those apps they just load forever, and it gets so bad i can’t even switch tabs sometime or close them.

For now I am using Maxthon to open my email and Brave for everything else which sucks but its the only option until i figure out what is going on here.

So what are my next steps, any idea, should i just blow out Brave, clean registry and try to reinstall it? That seems extreme but are there any other suggestions?

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