In Brave for Mac OS X (Big Sur, 11.0.1) I go to settings, click on “About Brave v 1.25.70”, and I’m hoping to see an option to update the browser, but the “checking for updates” pinwheel has been swirling for about 10 minutes now. Then there’s nowhere to even confirm that this is indeed the most current version, none of your download pages specify what the current version is.
Okay, I see it’s up to version 1.40.107 now. Is this really the ONLY place to see what the latest version of the browser is?
(btw my issue is resolved, Brave popped up a window BEHIND the main window prompting update, obviously this shouldn’t be so hidden.)
Latest Brave Browser for Mac OS is version 1.40.113
Information about the Brave Browser for Mac OS version that is installed on your Mac - in a New Window, go to: brave://settings/help
You can also reach that info, by selecting About Brave:
Much more info re the Brave Browser for Mac OS version that is installed on your computer - go to: brave://version
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