When I relaunched from the About Brave dialog box why didn't Brave install the latest version?

When I relaunched from the About Brave screen (which told me I was “almost” up to date)
it updated to: “Version 1.18.70 Chromium: 87.0.4280.101 (Official Build) (x86_64)”

When I later checked About Brave again I saw the same “almost” up to date message, and the version displayed to update to this time was 1.18.75.

Why didn’t Brave update to 1.18.75 when I relaunched from About Brave?


Mac OS Mojave

To put it another way:

When you update from the “About Brave” dialog, doesn’t Brave check to see that it’s installing the most recent update?

It didn’t seem to do that in the case reported (yesterday). It installed “Version 1.18. 70” instead of “Version 1.18.75.”

Unless 75 was released a short time after 70 – which I wouldn’t expect to have been the case (assuming there would have been 71 through 74 first.)

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