Brave does not export PDF to Books

Description of the issue:
On my iPad: Brave’s iOS share menu offers the capability to share PDF with Apple Books. But no PDF ever appears in Books.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Navigate to any PDF.
  2. Tap the “…” in the upper right and choose “Share with…”.
  3. Choose the “Books” app.
  4. Brave will appear to try to export the PDF as requested.
  5. Look in the Books app: the PDF is nowhere to be found.

Expected result:
The PDF should appear in the Apple Books app.
Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 1.16.2 (

Mobile Device details

iPad pro running OS 13.4.1

Additional Information:

As a workaround, I have to open the PDF in Safari and then share to Apple Books from there.

Just a minute ago I have opened the same bug for this issue. I’m a new iOS user. But in the short time I have been using Brave on iOS it is astonishing how many bugs and issues I have already found.

I cannot understand why Brave is not labeled beta on iOS. It is clearly not ready for a main release.

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