Brave Crashing when Using Mac OSX Text-to-Speech

Every time I use the built in Mac Text to Speech function (this can be found in System Settings>Accessibility>Spoken Content) Brave Crashes.
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. In Spoken Content (System Settings>Accessibility>Spoken Content) checkmark :ballot_box_with_check: “Speak selection”
  2. To the right of “Speak selection” click options and change keyboard short cut to " Control+` "
  3. Open Brave, In brave Select text you wish the be read allowed hit " Control+` ".

Expected result: Brave application will unexpectidly close

Brave Version( check About Brave): v 1.31.88

Additional Information: Mac is v 11.6 Big Sur,

Thank you for reaching out to us with this.
I’m seeing a couple of other users report the same thing but on different macOS versions. I’ve informed the team about this issue for further investigation.

Appreciate your patience here.

Looks like we were able to reproduce the crash and have opened the following issue to track and address:

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