Brave browser not usable

Hi there

Since the last update, the Brave browser is constantly crashing, stating error reason as “out of memory”

Brave version is v.1.74.51; Windows - 10 pro, 64 bit, 16GB RAM - of which only about 4 to 5 GB’s are used, no background processes, no extensions whatsoever,(cache is cleared, graphics acceleration is off) no nothing, yet when I open several tabs regardless if in private window or not, the browser crashes

Any ideas/suggestions?

Thanks in advance

@7ick can you please go to brave://crashes and share any crash report IDs with us here so we can take a look on our end?

This is the most recent and only one, which is odd because it happened several times today:

Crash from Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 8:12:05 PM
|Local Crash Context:|8eb8f9b9-2ad6-475f-b861-44222445b83d|

That’s all the info in brave://crashes

Also, I’ve just noticed, since that last crash, when I play a video in youtube, the CPU usage goes up to 100%, which never happened before

Can you please click the “send now” button and then resubmit the ID? It should end in 0’s.

Here it is: 55b91a00-eb92-500d-0000-000000000000

I’ve submitted your crash report to our devs for review. Hope to have more information for you soon. In the meantime, can you share a screenshot of the “Out of memory” error you’re seeing as it appears on your end?

Yesterday I saw a different error but wasn’t able to take a screenshot as the browser stopped responding. I’ve tried to copy/paste the message but that didn’t work as well

Stab in the dark, but how full is your disk? SSD or HDD?

Internal SSD - 188GB free out of 222GB
External SATA 3 SSD - 87.6GB free out of 238GB

Is there a chance that it has something to do with the virtual memory perhaps?

It could be. I’m not sure.

I’ve just installed an optional Windows update and gave it a go.

Opened 25 tabs in total and the browser hasn’t crashed yet, although it still is a bit slugish and the high CPU usage persists in Windows task manager, especially when a video is playing on youtube(when watching a 4k video, the lag is unbearable)

Definitely still a problem, even though the browser no longer crashes. Not quite sure what to make out of it

OOM would point to flash memory/RAM rather than storage anyway. Can you actually try turning Graphics Acceleration on and see if this helps anything?

Yep. Did so earlier yesterday and things seem to be going smoothly now. 4k videos run normally. The browser hasn’t crashed as of yet and CPU usage is not as high as it used to be. I temporarily tried different chromium based browsers and all of them were crashing in one way or another. I’ve no idea what was causing said crashes.

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