**I need help about the bookmarks & reading list on Brave mobile app (Android 14).
I just went and checked my reading list to find something i have saved and most items are gone from there and from the normal bookmarks. I don’t remember the exact number of either but i think i had quite a few dozen items in the reading list and quite a bit more in bookmarks. I’m not sure what i have done as i haven’t deleted anything but 1 double/copy item. I also don’t think this is a syncing issue but I might be wrong as this is the first time I’m experiencing something like this.
I’m also not sure how such issue can be reproduced.
I’d like to get all items restored as they are quiet important to me.
Brave App Version: 1.73.91, Chromium 131.0.6778.85
I’m using a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8
@alex_pap12 first, can you please update the Brave app to the latest build of the browser — v1.74.50 at this time — and check to see if your items are present?
If not, is this Android device Synced to any other Android devices then?
@Mattches Hello thanks for the reply, i just have updated the app but the issue still persists and no i haven’t synced my device to any other devices
Hello @Mattches i haven’t recieved any further replies but the issue still persists and hasn’t been resolved.
Unfortunately I am not sure if there is much we can do here, as there isn’t much to go off of here. You’re basically saying that you launched Brave on your Android device and some of you data was gone from it.
I haven’t seen an uptick in reports from other Android users (including myself) saying that they lost their data so it’s not likely a widespread issue and/or not likely caused by the latest update.
If you’ve opened any of those tabs in the last few months, you may be able to search for them in your browser history and find them that way, but I do not know of a way to restore the data that was originally there, considering that we have no idea how it was created to begin with.
I’ve asked a few of our Android team members to take a look as well in case they have any thoughts.
@Mattches I managed to recover some bookmarks/reading list items from memory so it’s not a big problem currently but thank you for your time & replies.