– I had enabled brave’s FLAG feature for Reading List. I no longer see the Current Reading List tab on my browser, and neither do I see it in the flag section. I used to save all my resources - work and personal - through that Reading List window.
Could I somehow get that data back?
Expected result:
– Should see the icon to open the side panel for Reading list window - on the top right.
Brave Version( check About Brave):
– Version 1.39.111 Chromium: 102.0.5005.61 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Comments
Could someone please assist me getting back those saves? Even if I cannot get the window -can I somehow access those saves - perhaps in some brave cache or local directory on my OS? (those saves were very important)
I believe there should be a way to get back that saved list from local Brave App data - there should be some cache saved in my OS - which has that data - do you have any idea?
I found a JSON file called “Bookmarks” in Brave App data folder on windows - it has all my bookmarks - there should be one for the reading lists too - but I cannot find it
Same issue here, lots I would like to recover which was stored on the Reading List. Anybody have any luck getting it back somehow? I have checked on mobile and I do not have it there either anymore.
I read that someone is advising to use some substitute extensions from the chrome store to get back the reading list panel, but the question is: are those extensions able to read the saved list entries, or will those extensions erase them and create a blank list at install time?
you can solve this issue quickly by reinstalling a previous version of the brave browser,
1- go through the previous releases of brave on Github link until you find this version for example Version 1.38.119 Chromium: 101.0.4951.67
2- download the installer file from the assets depending on your OS
3- install and enjoy brave
The reddit suggestion didn’t work for me. I uninstalled my current version of Brave, downloaded the 1.38.117 installer from GitHub and installed it. When I started Brave it automatically upgraded to the latest version. So this is what I did instead:
Uninstalled Brave again
Downloaded brave-v1.38.117-win32-x64.zip (I’m on Windows 10)
Extracted files into a directory (e.g. C:/Downloads/brave)
Opened directory in File Manager and executed brave.exe
Brave started and didn’t automatically upgrade. I was able to access the reading list from this version. I bookmarked each item and then reinstalled the latest version of Brave.