Bitdefender reports repeated attempts by Brave to reach malware site:, which it blocks. Not sure why this is happening; Windows 11. Proton VPN
Thank you for reaching out to us. Can you please share an exact screenshot of the warning BitDefender is showing you?
Here is the information from the Bitdefender Notification section. From what I could find out from Chat, this is a malware site.
Infected web resource detected
February 6 at 6:52 PM
Online Threat Prevention
We blocked this dangerous page for your protection: Accessed by: brave.exe Dangerous pages attempt to install software that can harm the device, gather personal information or operate without your consent.
I should have mentioned that I have multiple notifications dating back to end of January from BD.
Thank you for the information.
While this site does appear to be a domain used to host malware, we do not have any code built-into the browser that would attempt to reach this site. This likely means that you either are trying to visit a site that is trying to redirect you there, or you may have a malicious extension installed attempting to make the connection.
Can you please try uninstalling any extensions have you have at this time and test to see if the warning persists?
My hunch is that it may have been the extension FlowCrypt that caused the problem. That is the only extension I have recently added and have now removed. Warnings have stopped.
Thank you
You’re very welcome — thanks for confirming. Will let our security team know about this extension as well.
Have a great day!