Bookmarks Not Syncing across Devices

Refer to Brave fails to start windows 11 current version - #7 by Mattches

As the topic wasn’t answered for a month, I missed the notification but then saw it was closed 12h of my finding out.

This is still a problem. I have checked, double-checked, looked at the technical sync status, killed all sync chains, setup new ones - but the the issue is that bookmarks are not syncing across devices.

I have spent a long time confirming everything is setup as it should be, read posts, watched videos, and AFAIK everything is fine - but syncing is not working.

My Mac is my master, the sync code is setup properly in Brace on my Parallels Windows 11 VM, same on my iPhone and my iPad - but none of these sync with my Mac brave.

Happy to share all screenshots for all devices to show the setups - but it is very frustrating.


Is it only your macOS device that isn’t being synced or is it your other devices that aren’t syncing bookmarks from your macOS machine?

Additionally, can you please launch Brave on your macOS machine and share a screenshot of your brave://sync-internals/ page?

It is both.

I’ve attached a screenshot of my mac’s sync internals.

To this point I have believed the sync partnerships are not working - but when I took the screenshot, it was only then that I noticed there was an error with bookmark syncing from my mac.

I know I have a lot of bookmarks - but I wasn’t aware there is a hard limit of 10k for syncing.

It seems completely logical now - that this is the root cause of the issue. My other devices sync partnerships are most likely correctly setup, but my bookmark from my mac are not being synced because I have exceeded the bookmark number limit.

The obvious next stage is for me to reduce the number of bookmarks (substantially), which hopefully enables Brave to sync them, and confirm they are then being synced between all devices.

Here I was spending so much time looking at my devices that I didn’t focus on the main culprit.

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Yes that is very likely the case.
One quick way to test this would be to create a new additional profile (Menu --> More tools --> Add profile), add that new profile to the same Sync chain as your other devices, make a couple of bookmarks and see if those Sync.

It was the problem - but while I reduced my bookmarks to around 2500, the sync would not work. I tried forcing the sync, and waited a long time - a couple of times.

The sync-internals page cleared the error but did not show ‘running’ or any other status (which I thought was weird).

Also, the Network section on the page showed a ‘Network Error’ message. Unfortunately, I didn’t take a screenshot of that.

As a result, I confirmed I was using the latest version of Brave, closed it and waited for a few minutes (thinking it might be a cached DNS problem) then re-opened and tried again; however, I got the same error message and syncing still didn’t work.

I decided to delete the (whole) sync account. This took a long time to complete (about 1.5h) after which I set up a new sync account and linked my other devices. I watched the sync-internals page all run green as it synced things back and forth between all-the-things.

It’s now all working properly. Thanks for helping me to notice the error message indicating the root cause of the problem.

But I also have a couple of feedback items and follow-on questions:

  1. I’m not sure why the sync process failed after deleting many thousands of bookmarks. I waited for several hours, knowing it was not all instant, but that didn’t make any difference.
  2. It may be because I had >10k bookmarks, but deleting the sync account took much longer than I thought.
  3. Would it be an idea to show an error or warning message when the 9,999th bookmark is added to say that 1 more is too much?
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Excellent troubleshooting — glad you were able to get this worked out.
To answer your questions:

  1. This is one I’m actually not super clear on. I’ll have to ask some Sync folks about what may have caused it.
  2. Yeah I suspect this is just due to the sheer amount of data being deleted over the servers but it’s hard to tell.
  3. Yes, I think this is a good idea and will propose it to Sync team

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