BEWARE. Brave leaking dns when on vpn

What a shame… be careful people…
At least that’s what seems to be happening to me… tried other browsers and it’s ok, only happens on brave and only after last update. Which is a shame because brave is my default browser… any help would be appreciated…

It doesn’t happen here. What version/OS etc. are you using?

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HI @S7n7 - when you have a moment, what OS and Brave version are you using? Thanks in advance.

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@S7n7 a couple of follow up questions. Do you see the same leak in chrome? Do you have DNS over HTTPS enabled? Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the replies guys. Hated to make a topic because I love brave and don’t wanna bash it, but figured I should let folks know just in case. I’m on the most recent version of brave and it’s happening on a chromebook (android?). Tried safari and chrome and it doesn’t happen, but on brave it showed 4 different dns servers at one point, and regularly shows 2 or 3 different ones, and at the same time sometimes, which I thought was weird? Haven’t seen that before. And no matter what I changed on my vpn the brave dns ips aren’t affected. Never happened until right after I updated brave too btw. Regularly test it and never had problems before that. Have DOH disabled, cleared the dns cache logs, Etc but no luck yet unfortunately. Also, I should have mentioned this, it’s only happening on brave on chromebook (Android) not my iPhone? Can’t figure it out… Using nord btw. Thanks guys.

Also just out of curiosity, is that how your name is really spelt, or did you throw in an extra “E”? My name is Steven as well lol.

Hi @S7n7 Got it, helpful to know this is on Chromebook. Are you using the Android app from the play store or the Debian package from our repository?

Using the android app from the play store.

Ok now it’s showing different dns addresses depending on what site I’m using to test… I don’t understand.

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