Best beginner wallet as custodial account?

In need of solid advice on which crypto wallet a newcomer from a unlisted country like myself can use the best for custodial account?

@Flupke if you’re asking what to use for Rewards, then you’re limited to either Uphold, Bitflyer, or ZebPay depending on your country. There are no other options at this time, with Gemini integration down. So it would just depend on which country you’re from. If you’re in a country not supported by those, then you are stuck having to wait until on chain payments arrive or custodial partners expand on countries they support.

If not asking in regards to Rewards, I guess just have to ask what you’re looking for and need to do. You could just use Brave Wallet to receive, send, etc. A person would question why you’d look for custodial rather than self custody wallets. Then depending on your needs, would have to look at whether to suggest Coinbase, Gemini, Uphold, Kraken, or which of many exchanges/custodial accounts exist.

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