BAT Rewards from previous months missing completely

Briefly describe your issue: All of my BAT disappeared, I’m not entirely sure how many it was, but they’re all gone. I’ve been using Brave since 2/24/21 and just letting the balance accumulate. But recently I noticed the balance from those several months is gone now.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using?
Windows 10 Pro
Version 20H2
Installed on ‎3/‎29/‎2021
OS build 19042.1165
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3530.0

Version 1.28.105 Chromium: 92.0.4515.131 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no) Yes

What date did you verify your wallet? Aug 12th 2021

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past? Never had it linked to Uphold before

Are you using a VPN? No

Are you in a supported region? Yes

Does your device pass the SafetyNet 2 check (Android only)? N/A

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold?? No

Thank you for reporting! Please DM with the following information:

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals)
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version)
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in Settings --> Brave Rewards.

This will help to speed up the troubleshooting. Thank you in advance!