I’ve used Brave on my computer and my phone for a few years now (at least since 2021), with Brave Rewards on since the beginning (at the time, I could see my balance without connecting to Uphold and already had several dozen BATs in 2022). I’ve connected Brave to Uphold on the 22nd of July 2024, and seen that my BAT disappeared. I’ve read this post and thought that my past BATs would be on my Uphold wallet with the next payout. However, I just got my payout and received only the BATs I’ve won in July 2024, and all the BATs from previous years are nowhere to be found. Is this normal ? Is there any way to get those BATs back or are they lost forever?
This is your issue. If you didn’t connect by the end October 2023 then all prior BAT in the browser is invalid and lost forever. Many announcements were given in the browser, on Reddit, Twitter, Brave Community, and on Brave’s official site. I’m guessing you somehow missed it all. But let me link you to two of the links/warnings that were given with information. First link is from January 2023 and other in August 2023.
I wasn’t aware of all this, thanks for the information.