I’m new to Brave. I have it both on my pc and mobile. My pc shows a BAT counter however my mobile does not. I only see a message stating payouts are temporarily not supported but nothing not being able to about accumulate BAT. Is it still adding up behind the scenes or am I not earning via mobile? Also, is there a way to link up multiple pcs and mobile all together to the same account? Thanks in advance for any help.
You can’t earn money in you phone is not allow only in computer
Ahh that sucks. I do most of my browsing on the phone. Thanks for the input though.
Hey @dblstkd1 ! Welcome to the community
iOS does not support Brave Rewards at this time; only on Android can you view ads and gain BAT.
As for linking wallets across devices, you cannot. You can however link multiple wallets to the same Uphold account and any BAT generated on those devices will transfer over to Uphold.
Hope this helped explain!
You can only
Link 5 devices
The limit for the amount of devices you can connect to Uphold is 4.
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