I had to do a clean install of my windows 10. Before I did it, I backed up my appdata from the location C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser.
After windows 10 clean install, I restored my user data and it worked, I got back the pending reward of 2.400 BAT.
The problem occurs when I then log in to my uphold account, the pending rewards restores to 0. If I dont log in to my uphold account, the BAT stays at 2.400.
Just to confirm the behavior here – if you disconnect your wallet from Uphold, you see 2.400 BAT pending in your browser wallet. If you connect your wallet to Uphold, you see 0 BAT pending in your browser wallet, is that correct? Further, this happens consistently (that is, every time you disconnecting/reconnect you can see this same behavior reproduce every time)?
After clean win 10 install and user data restored yes the pending reward of 2.400 appeared. But when I connected to my uphold then it restored to 0. I then restored the user data again and when I turned on Brave I got an error saying “your brave data is corrupted and has been restored” something like that and the bat goes back to 0.
After that I have not tried anything, so I uninstalled everything, now Im running brave without connected to uphold and accumulating from 0.
I still have the backup.
Maybe it is like this because I am restoring the whole brave-browser folder to appdata? Maybe I should try to restore the “defualt” folder in the brave-browser folder only?
Yeah – uninstalling and restoring and moving user data around like this can often cause issues with pending rewards. If you’ve uninstalled/reinstalled completely and are able to see ads, then you should be good to go with the exception of your missing Rewards.
Can you please send me a DM so we can take a closer look at what may be going on?