Back button loses initial page

When backing up through previous pages, at times Brave will lose the original page and therefore only backs up as far as the second page.


  1. Launch Brave
  2. Navigate to for example
  3. Navigate through various links
  4. Use the backup button to return to first link
  5. Note that you don’t return to first page in chain.

Expected result:
Be able to visit all links in chain, including original.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 1.64.113 Chromium: 123.0.6312.86 (Official Build) (arm64)

Additional Information:
Repro frequency: About 5%. I’m not sure what the trigger is yet but I think it is mostly centered around YouTube shorts, but I’m not sure of that. However I’ve had it happen dozens of times so it is definitely not a one off.