So basically the browser keeps auto reloading whatever website I open. I looked in the console and the issue seems to be:
Failed to read the ‘localstorage’ property from ‘Window’: Access is denied for this document
I tried to both restart the computer and to delete my catche but both don’t work. I did delete some stuff in the computer’s pictures folder slightly before this happened, so it might be related, but I don’t see how some random screenshots would effect a browser and make it constantly reload every web page.
BRAVE version: Version 1.21.77 Chromium: 89.0.4389.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I could probably just uninstall the browser and reinstall but I have $50 in BAT on an unverified wallet and I would rather not lose that money. So if you know of any way I can fix this it could help me a lot.