April month payout - Claim button not available


I’ve already DM this issue to @steeven 3 days ago. But I didn’t get any response so I’m posting this here. I didn’t get my April brave ad-rewards payout till now. I couldn’t see any claim buttons.

  1. “I have read through the checklist above, and it seems that none of those reasons apply.” (Yes/no) — Yes
  2. Which platform are you on (Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, Linux)? — Android
  3. Have you ever received payouts in previous months, or is this your first time? My First time
  4. Do you have a verified wallet? That is, is your Brave Rewards wallet connected to a verified Uphold.com account? — I don’t have verified wallet

@saereV @Mattches
Can anyone help me on this issue?

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Hi, @RozarioDan, it’s going to take a bit longer than three days to hear back on this, unfortunately. I know it’s frustrating but your patience is likely appreciated.

You can check in on steeven’s progress every three days or say and ask him how it’s going - it’s best to use the same DM thread you started with him when you sent him the information. He may drop in here, too.

Good luck :crossed_fingers:

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@saereV Thanks for the prompt response. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hi @RozarioDan, please see my reply to your DM.