@VacuBlaster I could just tell you rule to put in, but I’d rather teach you how to use a feature in Brave so it can help you on other pages in the future.
When using Brave you can always right click and choose Block Element to choose something on a page you don’t want to see. Once you select what you want blocked (generally try to make sure you get whole box and not small element), then it will create a rule. For example:
When you mouseover areas, it will highlight. So like if we did as you see below, it only does one of the four boxes. It’s too small of an element, we want larger box
These rules are kept in our Brave Shields settings. If you ever need to remove then go to Settings → Shields → Content Filtering and you’ll see it listed in Create Custom Filters such as below. You could then delete the rule and hit Save to remove it:
Oh, one more small note. The reason why I say you want the biggest box is on a lot of web pages if you do just the smallest little one, it will regenerate some other content there in its place.
This is why I said to do the larger box, as it then removes it all and nothing will be regenerated there. The same is true on many sites, so you generally want to block the largest container possible that doesn’t break the site or other content you’re trying to see.
Anyway, custom filter should be search.brave.com##.example-searches.noscrollbar.noscript-hide.svelte-1tr3rxr but do suggest you practice and try to generate yourself if you can. As said, will be helpful for other types of websites that might have content you don’t want to see but aren’t considered ads.
@289wk think issue is it’s older version of Brave you’re using, so not really any fixes to make to it. Shouldn’t happen on newer Brave versions I don’t think.
Anyway, let me ask, if you were to go through settings instead rather than the hamburger menu option, does it work or it crashes on that as well?
I am sorry, but the whole thing is not clear at all. I have four boxes under the search bar that I want rid of ( see Screenshot) can you advise please?
His description is the easier way to effectively write an uBlock Origin / AdBlock / AdGuard -type filter.
IMHO, in a new Brave Browser window, go to: brave://settings/shields/filters
There, scroll down to the “Create Custom filters” section. Copy whatever you see there, and paste into a text editor of your choice . . . and save that text file for reference.
Next, use the instructions provided by Saoiray, for some element of your choice . . . and then go back to the “Create Custom filters” section, the last row, and see for yourself, what you effectively wrote as a filter.
Later, you can study some instructions at AdBlock / AdGuard / uBlock Origin . . . and write a filter. Takes some time to learn, but you can do it.
I learned s-l-o-w-l-y, but I wanted to learn, because I am very interested in maintaining our privacy and security FROM:
When you connect to the Internet: THE INTERNET CONNECTS TO YOU.
Brave attempts to “reduce to a dull roar,” that intrusion, according to what Brave writes.