Anime site redirecting

I just switched from opera gx to brave since I want more privacy but I feel like switching back because I am currently trying to watch a anime on an website that redirects me every time I try to click it every 2-3 times

The domain of the website is

Basically when I click stuff on the website it is redirecting me to another website I have the redirect settings on in sheids. Any way to fix this? If not I am reconsidering going back to opera gx.

I’m on iOS by the way.

Tried watching on Windows and it works fine.

@ldk I’d actually recommend you try to start using instead. So far it’s been more compatible with iOS and I’ve not had any ads while watching content there.

Some sites like Aniwatch or any streaming/pirating content will often be plagued with a lot of rolling ad servers and all. They want to get money from everyone. There’s no way to just completely block everything. Especially with how Apple has us more limited on what can be done on iOS. You’ll find if you visited on Android or Desktop, you’d likely have little to no problems.

I’ll tag in @fanboynz anyway just in case he might have some more ideas. But thinking this is just one of those that very little can be done. But again, I do sincerely recommend you check out Anix

Alright I’ll try watching on anix thanks for the advice

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