Android brave rewards

I have received my bat on android, but the problem is that I can not send them to my brave publisher page because I’m not a verified user but I’m already verified, and not only do I leave like this, all youtube and page users They come out like this, what can I do?
@asad @laurenwags

Hi there, thanks for writing in! It’s a glitch with the Rewards panel. Sometimes it fails to download the list of verified publishers. You can force the browser to re-download the list.

Locate the “publishers_list” file in your Brave user files directory. I’ve added the path to each file, based on OS:

OSX: /Users/[You]/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Development/Default

Windows: AppData/Local/ OR AppData/Roaming/ (look for a Brave folder; the file should be in there)

Linux: /.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Development/Default

The publishers_list file will be in one of these folders. Close all instances of Brave, delete the publishers_list file, and reopen the browser. Clear the browser cache. Your site should then come up as verified.

Running Brave as an Administrator may also help.

A real fix is on the way soon!

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How can I delete the “publishers_list” on Android?

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