Description of the issue:
Always redirects http requests to https. As part of the local application development I use http://localhost:4200, but brave always upgrades connection to https and redirects to https://localhost:4200 then shows “This site can’t provide a secure connection”.
To fix this, I need to go to brave://net-internals/#hsts and remove localhost from “Delete domain security policies” . But the issue comes back after browser restart.
How can this issue be reproduced?
Go to brave://settings/security?search=https and un toggle “Always use secure connections”
HTTPS upgrades should not cause upgrades for localhost. You can verify this by disabling brave://flags/#https-by-default and seeing if the behaviour persists. I cannot reproduce the problem. Are you sure you don’t have an extension that could be trying to do this upgrade?
Always use secure connections is not a setting in Brave, but is in Chrome. Are you sure you’re testing Brave? Can you also double-check whether brave://flags/#https-by-default is Enabled? It should be.
The settings dont’ do a thing- they are uselsess. The only thing that works is manually deleting the domain using this page chrome://net-internals/#hsts