All BAT sent to Brave Software International

Since I’m using Brave Browser, I should have 8.3 BAT on my Uphold account, but Brave Software International removes all my BATs so now I only have 0.03 BAT. How can this be resolved?

Can you send @steeven a direct message stating that I (@mattches) said to contact him – please include the following information:

  • If you have multiple devices linked to your Uphold? If so, how many?
  • Can you share a screenshot of your Contributions and Event Log tabs which can be found here brave://rewards-internals/
  • You Wallet Payment ID, also found in brave://rewards-internals/
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@Mattches have the same problem

@accsico, then do the same thing that matches told asdfhero to do, and wait for an answer. Patience is important

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