Troubleshooting technical issues is much easier when both the user and support agent practice clear communication. For this reason, we have provided the template below for you to fill out with information about your issue. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can most efficiently resolve your problem.
Description of the issue:
White empty screen appears almost on every Brave launch after Brave latest upgrade for iOS (1.32.1, Nov 1, 2021). I never had this issue in the past.
In the description of this update: “Fixed some iOS15 related issues that were caused some to see a black or white screen on launch.” So instead of fixing something that I never had this update introduced it to my device.
How can this issue be reproduced?
By launching Brave OR
By adding a new page with PLUS button.
Expected result:
I would expect to see my favorite bookmarks with the picture in the background.
Brave Version( check About Brave):
1.32.1 (
Mobile Device details
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 15.1
Additional Information:
If I go and clean ALL the data through the Setting, it temporarily opens as it should, no white screen for a while.
The issue is with a local web server that is used to host the new tab page.
We have a fix for it in build 1.32.5, we hope to ship it soon for general audience
The fix is currently in public beta if you are interested in trying it out
I have updated to the most recent Brave version on iOS 1.32.2 ( and the white screen is still there. Cannot use the browser at all. The update claims to resolve it, but it doesn’t.
Sorry for having to wait so long, this should be fixed in 1.32.3, please check it out, you may need to go to app store manually to download the update.