After Brave pc, Brave Android and now Brave Beta android Rewards Profile Flagged

Briefly describe your issue:

My humble request to moderators to please go through my issue before closing or unlisting.

After my PC windows 11, Android Brave and now Android Brave Beta
Brave Rewards Profile got flagged for all consecutively.

Attaching ticket number below:
Brave Pc: #222846
Reset Brave PC: #229090
Brave Android: #229119
Brave Beta Android: #229298

Hi Team,

Please help me.
Everything was working fine till uphold was providing support in India region. But when it stopped supporting wallet got disconnected from Uphold in my Brave Rewards Profile in PC windows 11 but I was still earning bat’s in the hope that one day either Uphold or other service would provide support and eventually Zebpay came after a long wait.
I connected to Zebpay till 2 days everything worked perfectly but then I got pop up that zebpay disconnected I tried reconnecting it but it was showing error as “Brave Rewards Profile is Flagged”, I also raised ticket #222846 but they said it can’t be reinstated. the last option for me was to reset my rewards profile and I did it losing all my bat’s approx. 25BATS.

After re-creating I was very careful also I created different profile in brave to use VPN also avoid to get my Rewards Profile from being flagged, everything was working fine till yesterday evening then again I got pop up for disconnect from zebpay I tried connecting and same error as “Brave Rewards Profile is Flagged”, I again raised ticket #229090 and they again said that it can’t be reinstated. (This is all for my PC windows 11)

And today(18/10/2023) I got same pop in my android that zebpay disconnected I again tried reconnecting and got same flagged error I again raised ticket #229119 and again heard the same thing from team that it can’t be reinstated.

Today(19/10/2023) my Brave Beta Rewards Profile Flagged I have mentioned ticket number at top.

I am really disappointed and trying to know what went wrong thrice after being so careful also when I use vpn I prefer Vivaldi and Firefox I always avoid even opening Brave when VPN is on.
And in PC as I mentioned I created different profile to use vpn extension to safeguard my main Brave Rewards Profile from being flagged.

I am here to request consideration for my profiles those got flagged thrice. I use browser more than any other app in my phone and PC that might be the case that my profile flagged but I don’t see any misconduct in using Brave browser for longer period and thus I may earn more Bats but I see nothing wrong in it.

@Saoiray @Evan123 Please help me.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using?
Brave - Beta 1.60.88, Chromium 118.0.5993.70
Android 13; Build/TP1A.220624.014

Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer)

Are you in a supported region?

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@rahul99 First of all if you use a different profile in Brave for using VPN, note that default profile always lanches with anyother profile. So even if you are just using the other profile for VPN, the default profile is also active in the background.

Now, before jumping to conclusion why you got flagged, can you try to reconnect any previously connected profile, just to see if it is working now.

I prefer using VPN extensions rather than system wide VPN applications

Yeah I have already connected today I got to know from someone here. And it got connected fortunately.

But payout is still showing in process while here Ads Payout Status Update it is showing it’s already completed.

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