Ads on pages a number of web sites (tested on,, …) now show on my PC when surfing with Brave. They didn’t before today.
Shields is on agressive settings (details on screen shot). Brave is up to date :
Version 1.70.123 Chromium: 129.0.6668.89 (Official Build) (64 bits)
(auto update in the settings).
The only thing that changed is the site asked for cookies settings and I opted out of all.
AND ads are back on Youtube :-/
Any help on how to get rid of all that would be appreciated.
Or are we to wait for an update to Brave?
NB : after having, in the “Display site information” settings of the 3 above mentioned web sites, got rid of site data lines I don’t have ads any more. But please don’t make me do that on all web sites on the Internet …