How do I close out the last site I viewed so I will not stay logged into a web site?
Can you elaborate more? I’m not entirely sure about your question/issue.
When I open Brave a website address pops up in the address line/bar. Where you type in http\ address for website.
The web site that I last went to before I closed Brave app is what pops up in this address bar.
I don’t know how to close out or clear out the address in this line before I close the Brave app.
In safari, apples web access app, I can go to the square in the lower right corner and touch\click it and it lets me click an x in the upper left corner to close out the web site I had been on. Then the screen shows just my favorites or a screen that has no address in the address bar.
Using Brave I have to continuously click the back arrow to clear out the web sites that I have visited during my last use to get to braves. Home screen with no addresses in the address bar. Like when you open the Brave app and it only shows the address bar with nothing in it and your background picture. It has a few app icons like utube,Amazon,Twitter.
I just opened Brave and it went to community. Brave site. The last site I went to when I closed it out. I had to keep clicking the arrow in lower left of my screen to get to go to braves home screen. Illl try to attach the two pictures to this.
See where it says search or enter address? The first picture is what happens all the time. It goes to the last site I have visited and all I did was open the Brave app. I didn’t type anything in the search/address bar.
I hope this helps you understand.
Thank you
- if you are referring unclosed tab (that is closing brave with tabs open and then reopening brave opens with all the unclosed tabs) then enable this = closing brave closes all the tabs.
- if you are referring address popping up on address bar based on your history when typing on address bar then deselect top sites, suggested sites or auto fill.
Both options 1 and 2 are under Privacy and security.
My settings in Brave do not show any of the options you sent pictures of. I do not have those options to chose. Why don’t I have them to select?
My bad… I’m using android. Just now after your reply i double checked and found out you are using iOS.
I’m thinking closing tabs closing the browser may not be there. But search options or what should appear when you type on the address bar should be there. Can you check whether it is hidden under search engine selection?
@Mattches are these settings different in android vs iOS?
If I understand correctly, you’re looking to make it so that every time you open Brave, you’ do not open to the last site you were on – is that correct? If so, @nellaiseemai was on the right track with clearing data before you exit and/or closing tabs on exit. Unfortunately, we do not yet have these features implemented in the iOS app.
We have open issues for clearing data on exit, as well as for closing tabs on exit:
I’ve reached out to the team about the status on these issues/features for more information. In the interim, depending on how you use the browser, you can go to Menu --> Settings --> Shields and Privacy --> Private Browsing Only
which will enable “always on” private browsing. This means that your data would not be recorded while you browse but every time you open the browser it will open to your NTP and not to the last site you visited (in fact, no tabs will be open at all when you launch while in Always Private
Good to know it’s in progress.
By doing so (private tab) all sites will also get logged out after closing the browser isn’t?
That is correct. I think the ideal solution for @Oldtimer’s case would be to wait for the “Close tabs on exit” to be implemented. Just wanted to put all options on the table.
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