Windows 10, Brave v.1.68.134
Experimental mode not enabled (I never figured out how to do that the last time I was here)
Additional Info:
Relevant to last time, the ads will run without a skip feature, and they will run multiple ads before going to the video.
Semi-on topic:
I wonder if anyone is able to create a YouTube mirror that can host videos without the ads. I know such things already exist, but they’re usually small scale solutions. You can fetch the video directly from the platform. Just some thoughts I’d like to throw out for any ambitious Joe (or, if such a thing already exists, please send it my way).
I’m having the same issue. Been using Brave Browser for years. Haven’t seen a YouTube ad the entire time. Today it just stopped working. Didn’t change anything. Windows 10 and Brave Version 1.68.134 Chromium: 127.0.6533.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Remove any lists or rules already used for Youtube. Or any extensions enabled.
Add the following to test: in brave://adblock (custom rules). Save then reload Youtube.
Working good so far.
The previous code had encountered an issue where the video would not load, at all, if an ad was meant to play. This appears to have fixed it.