Ad counter does not work since the last two updates

Hey there I noticed that since the last two updated the Ad counter does not work anymore.
This also results in not receiving any BAT estimate. I already saw several ads but the counter still stays on zero.


Is there any update on this one? I still receive/view ads but every counter stays on zero.

@steeven even I have the same issue I’m seeing new page ads but it’s not getting counted or rewarded on macOS

new page tab ads aren’t getting counted while notification ads are being counted.

Any update on this? Got the last few Brave updates but the Ad counter and estimated earnings still do not work.

@steeven you helped with the last rewards issue I had maybe you could shine some light on this issue?

Thanks for following up @Stammbach. Can you DM me the payment wallet ID linked to this device?

Hello. For about a month now this same thing has been happening to me on one browser. My browser at work still works fine. It shows zero ads and zero payout. Everything is enabled with 10ads/hr selected.

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