About the Ad-Blocking category

This category is for reporting web pages that display ads that bypass Brave’s ad-blocker.

Ad-Blocking Posting Guidelines:

Topics that belong in this section:
This section should be used specifically for reporting ads that appear in Brave while browsing when you believe they should be blocked. Before posting, please remember that Brave does not block 1st party ads. Reporting on offending ads helps us further refine and improve our Shields software.

Please provide us with the following when reporting in this category :

  1. Did the issue present with default Shields settings?
    Default states are:
    Block: Ads/Trackers, 3rd Party Cookies, 3rd Party Fingerprinting
    Allow: Encrypt Connections (HTTPS), Scripts
  2. Where and how do the ads appear? Please tell us the URL of the site hosting the offending ad and a screenshot as it appears on the webpage. Optionally, console output is often useful in diagnosing where the ads originate and how they’re implemented.
To view console output:
  1. Open the Main Menu
  2. Navigate to More Tools --> Developer Tools
  3. A window displaying the website markup will appear in a new window
  4. In the new window, select the Console tab to display console output
  1. What Brave version/Build are you using?

Search for Duplicates
Given the amount of reports/request we get each day, there’s a good chance that someone else may have raised the issue with us already or may have been resolved. Before posting, use the search bar on the top-right corner of the website to see if other users have raised the same concern.
Note: The search is pretty good - good use of keywords (pertaining to your issue) and sorting the results by “latest” is generally a good way to start your search.


Ads on the reuters.com site are no longer blocked on the top and right margins. It’s easy to describe them They are all sucker ads. They started about 3 weeks ago.

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Submitted a fix, just needs to be approved.


Whatever you did worked perfectly ! No more obnoxious ads in the margins. If it’s not too complicated please reveal how this was done. Thank you.


Funnyjunk.com and pixiv.com

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Hey @Venomousvalentine

I checked both sites, they seem okay? no ads seen. Do you have issues with them?

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They’re fine on desktop. Mobile still shows ads.


Ads in YouTube showing after the latest upgrade to Version 1.7.98 on macOS.

UPDATE: Ads are showing on all sites even after the shields are enabled.


Crunchyroll.com has reworked again to stop ad blockers

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I use Adlock service and already forgotten what the ads is. It block ads on twitch and youtube.

Please stop promoting non-free tools, we’ve fixed most ads in the latest builds including twitch and youtube.


Actually I meant AdLock extension. it’s free tool to get rid of ads - https://adlock.com/ru/adlock-for-chrome/

reddit.com is showing ads now. Using aggressive blocking and the latest update

When visiting a youtube.com video page on iOS 14.7.1 (current as of this post) on iPad Pro 3, an ad consistently shows in the right column, first row:

The page https://www.karaoketexty.cz displays much ads. See screen. When repairing, care must be taken not to damage the playback of links on youtube.com. Some browsers that block ads have a problem with not playing videos, but this can be the error of the site owner. Thank you very much.

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Very unbearable :cry:

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These are cosmetics, not yet filtered in IOS unfortantly.

I use brave browser for iOS(バージョン 1.35.1 ( But today, niconico shows a banner when watching videos.
this image is screenshot.

Hi Brave Team,
This morning I started getting add-blocker pop-ups on 2 of the streaming sites I use when using Brave Browser on Android devices. However, on my MAC and HP laptops the issue doesn’t exist, therefore, I decided to switch the Android Brave Browser to desktop view and no add-blocker pop-up appeared.
These are the websites in question: www.filmi7.com&filmisub.com
My Brave Version is 1.44.114.
Note: Same issues with Chrome and Firefox browsers and uBlockOrigin is also detected by the sites.