A withdrawn amount of POL never came to my wallet, seems to be stolen :(

Hello Team,

Reaching out to you for help!

Description of the issue: The transfer never showed up under my wallet’s Activity.
Found the coins were sent to an unknown address from my wallet less than 2 min after being received, which I did not do myself!
Can anyone assist checking and advise if something is wrong on my end?

Is the issue occurring on a specific network? Polygon Mainnet

What operating system are you using? Windows 10

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Version 1.75.175 Chromium: 133.0.6943.54 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:
I can provide screenshots and Tx Hashes as needed.
(Had no issues with the same operations in the past, where the same steps were followed)

Thanks a lot in advance!

Hello - Just send you a DM. Thanks!