A different type of, "Random Crashing" of Brave on Windows 10

I am aware there’s a lot of these posts. I feel mine is different since I’ve tried everything in every post. I’m sorry that the post does not have to regular format I saw before typing this out.

So it randomly crashes, every website. I do have auto send report, hardware acceleration off, memory saver on, etc. Yet I still am having issues, I looked through the Event Viewer for a report and found a report (which is below). I need help fixing this. I have been sending reports for awhile and never got a solution. Thank you in advance if you can solve my problem. If you need additional information, let me know.

Version of Brave: Version 1.58.137 Chromium: 117.0.5938.153 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Version: 10.0.19045 Build 19045

Here’s the Event Viewer report I talked about above:
(Update 8:28PM): It’s not showing the entire log when posted

Log Name: Application
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP
Date: 10/8/2023 7:35:42 PM
Event ID: 16384
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: Corsair-Noi-121
Successfully scheduled Software Protection service for re-start at 2123-09-14T23:35:42Z. Reason: RulesEngine.
Event Xml:





@Noizavin it would be helpful if you could go to brave://crashes and copy/paste your Uploaded Crash Report ID.

If you see it say Send Now then it means it hasn’t sent. You’ll need to click it, exit Brave for like 30 seconds, and then return in order to have it be uploaded and provide that info.

I noticed you mention hardware acceleration off and memory saver, but is that about all you’ve done? I mean, have you tried:

  • Creating a new browser profile?
  • Removing extensions?
  • Downloading Brave Beta or Brave Nightly?

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