Youtube referral verification error

Hello All,

I am trying to set up a Brave Referal Program for my Youtube channel. I did all the first steps and got the link, but I need to verify.
“This creator has not yet signed up to receive contributions from Brave users. Any tips you send will remain in your wallet until they verify.”

As far I know I did twice already, but nothing changed in the last few days.

Can someone help me out, please?

OS: Linux
Brave Version: V1.10.97

When you finish the process? Did you already connect your Uphold account?

Yes. In brave reward Creator everything looks fine, but on youtube still showing “Not yet verified”.

I am also having the same error. I have connected my uphold account.And linked my youtube channel, and it’s been 4 days. Still showing not verified YouTube channel.

@b3Ro @wildvideos Did the issue still persists?

No, fine for me now.

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