Hello so today there’s an annoying problem to me when I hover my mouse or pause the video on youtube playback video the video it self becomes a little bit darker down in the bottom here’s what I see
I don’t think that’s a “Brave browser” problem. I think that specific problem is the result of you playing with the Force Dark Mode for Web Contents option on brave://flags/.
I may be wrong, but it looks that way.
Yeah, it’s happening to me because the playback interface for YouTube is like this for months. You probably didn’t notice it before until you played a video that is without those black bars on the top and bottom. Try playing a video on another browser and see the problem happening all over again.
No offense man, but you got a big problem if you find that annoying. Because that’s how the playback window on YouTube is.
You thought I was gonna give you some solution, huh?
Yea I tried a different browser and I noticed a difference between them the other browser i’m using has LESS dark color in the bottom if you want to see