YouTube comments does not allow the user to comment

Description of the issue:
YouTube comments does not allow the user to comment.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open brave app
  2. search for YouTube
  3. Pick a video and try to comment.

Expected result:
YouTube videos can be commented on.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Mobile Device details
Samsung s22+, Android 13
Additional Information:

Does it show the comments? are you logged in?

Yes, it does show the comments and yes, I am logged in.

@Skyler0x can you advise what’s happening when you’re getting to comments? For example

  • Does it open the text box at all or you can’t even get that far?

  • Is this on all videos and creators or only particular ones?

  • Does anything change if you turn off Shields? If so, what Shields settings are you using?

It allows me to open the text box and write text in it, but when I press the comment button it does not leave a comment.

I managed to login and leave a comment, maybe logout and re-login. Then leave a comment on a different video (I just commented on a random Mr Beast Video)

Does it work if you turn off Shields? I’m wondering if it might be something in your fingerprint settings, a chat filter, or whatever.

I’d try to toy with things myself but no longer keep any newer Android devices to test with. If not Shields, the next thing I’d ask you about is if it might work in Private window? I’m wondering if could be a bad cookie or something.

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