+ Tab - Search Feature Gone

Hey all, so I’m currently using the latest version of Brave on my Windows 11 machine.

I’ve always loved and heavily used the feature where you type “Youtube” in the address bar and hit “Tab” and it turns into a Youtube Search Query. I’ve been using it every day for years until it disappeared on me yesterday.

This feature completely disappeared immediately following me clearing my Brave cache and browsing history. However, this wasn’t done through Brave, and was actually done via CCleaner (just in case that makes a difference, which it may).

I hit tab after typing Youtube or and it will not take me to a Youtube Search Query. It just goes down the list of suggested websites according to what I typed.

Clearly something happened when I cleared my cache/history that caused this, because this only started happening immediately after I did this.

I thought it may have reverted a setting I had, so I went to my search engine settings and YouTube is not on there, so I don’t think that’s the issue?

Brave Version: 1.35.101 (Latest)

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what may have happened and what I could do to resolve this?

I know this issue may seem super trivial to some, especially because I can just go to Youtube and type in my query, so it’s really not a huge deal, but I’m so used to this feature that it’s been driving me nuts.

Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

If there’s anything important that I left out please let me know and I will accommodate ASAP.

Thank you!

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In a Brave Browser > New Window or New Private Window, type in the URL address field:” (no quotes)

When the YouTube webpage is displayed, save it as a Bookmark.

If you want to include a few Bookmarks that have their Search Query prepared, then you would use the same string . . . and add your query (let’s say: Brave Browser Extensions) like so:” (no quotes)

So, the closest you might get, for now, would be a Bookmark.

Meanwhile, it sounds like CCleaner probably dislocated a Windows Registry setting.

Probably, it will help you a lot, to get into the habit of daily:

  • Manually back up your Internet browsers’ Bookmarks and save them to some location that will withstand any recovery / restoration demands

  • Somehow back up your passwords (I keep recommending 1Password - but YMMV)

  • Windows OS users, Create a System Restore Point

Brave Browser for Windows OS users – Locate the BraveSoftware directory at



and .zip compress that folder (assuming you have WinZip installed). Give the resulting compressed file, a date stamp - in effect - for its name; for example:

Brave Browser for Mac OS users – Locate the BraveSoftware directory at

/Users/user_shortname/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware

and .zip compress that folder (this .zip compression ability is built-in – look in the Finder menu under File, for Compress . . .). Give the resulting compressed file, a date stamp - in effect - for its name; for example:


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