Youtube being jerks again

Youtube is being hyper aggressive with the anti-adblock checks since yesterday afternoon. unable to watch a single video when logged into google. adblock functions normally when logged out of google.

why google gotta be so damn evil?

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:

Can you confirm that you’re using the latest version of the ad-block component? You can check this by going to brave://components. Should be 1.0.5360

i am using the latest version of brave and i updated all components. still happening. only when logged into google account.

still happening. day three.

Does it occur in private window mode (no extensions) ?

if i am logged into my google account, i get the Adblocks violate Youtube’s terms of use message. it does not matter if its a private window or not.

it’s 3:30 pm on wednesday… day 3 and nothing is being done. i get that its all volunteer work, but seriously. what’s the hold-up?

Can you test Brave Ad Block Updater - Version: 1.0.5383 (or better) in brave://components, then refresh

Buddy if you can, please reply back to my query on the separate discussion i started

YT is trying to crack down HARD on ad blockers, trying to make more money however it will have the opposite effect!

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@GKeeper316 any luck, buddy?

Como solución alternativa puedes cambiar la URL a embed con ajustes. También puedes usar la versión URL Youtube no cookies. recomendable no iniciar sesión pero puedes usar la versión no cookies VIDEO?playlist=ID VIDEO &autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3&loop=1&start=0

it started working correctly in time for the weekend… now it’s back to the adblocks violate the terms BS again.

remove all google + youtube cookies then log in again.

still not working on (youtube previews) - any ideas?