Why we need Uphold?

We need Uphold wallet to get the reward and verificate your person!

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Hi @Bloody1221 ,

I really recommend https://pillarproject.io/ as an alternative to Uphold, it have a huge potential and includes the wallet & identity parts and completely open source.

There are many aspects violated in Uphold that Brave provides, in Uphold if you receive a payment you can’t send it out before it’s 24 hours on their system (they say for security reasons), the higher fees on transactions and all the mentioned privacy concerns…


I’m also not very happy with this solution.

I wouldn’t mind identify myself against a finance institute or company in my country (or EU). As long as it does not require me to send a copy of my ID, there are better ways.

Through I would argue if this would be required (by law) for transaction of small amount of money.

However when I readed in the terms that Uphold requires me to send an copy of my ID, I stoped reading and exited the account verification process.

I’ll hope in the future there will be other (non US) marketplaces to buy or sell BAT’s and that the reward system also integrates in those. Almost everything else seems promising.


I’m totally agreed with privacy thing. And honestly brave should consider another wallets. I have channel on YouTube not alot of followers and defenetly not all of them using brave only few so in order to withdraw funds from uphold I need to wait few months to do it otherwise I’m will only have few cents in months. Fees at uphold astronomical for me any way. I hope brave will do something with wallet issue if not: count me out of brave community.


I am uncomfortable with Uphold. I don’t know them. They ask for an extraordinary amount of personal information and original identity documents that could be used for a disastrous amount identity theft. Combined with what Brave knows about browsing history, this could be a recipe for disaster.

For the paltry amounts that I would collect from Brave, it isn’t worth the risk. I’m can live with this as long as I can assign my BAT to websites that I frequent without using uphold. I’d rather they have the money than I do. But if that were not the case, it destroys most of the reason for using Brave in the first place and I would switch browsers in a heartbeat.

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