Why can I not reset a Brave Wallet and start over? MAc OS Sonoma

Please only post Brave Wallet inquiries in this category – visit the Brave Rewards category for all related rewards issues.

The Brave Team will never ask you for your recovery phrase or private key.

Description of the issue:

Is the issue occurring on a specific network? no

What operating system are you using? Mac OS Sonoma

Brave Version (check About Brave): Latest, just downloaded

Additional Information: I delete the app and reboot and reinstall. It STILL ask me for the recovery password. I just want to start over, becuse the first installation was a test.

Usually there’s an option when you uninstall that says to also delete history and/or settings. If you don’t choose this, then your user data will be left on the device.

I’d be curious to see the screen you’re on. Assuming it’s on your old profile, it would ask for password and not for recovery phrase.

All of that aside, you just go to Brave’s Settings and then to Web3. Then click on Reset and clear Wallet data. This erases current wallet and everything in it, where you start fresh.

yes, what you suggest is the first I tried. I reset it in Web3. When I start up a brand new installation, it asks for the password. So, basically I cannot create a new Web 3 wallet.

Monosnap 2024-02-25 20-00-22

is this what I have to do , then?

Solved it. I entered “yes” instead og “Yes” when resetting the wallet. In my opinion I should have gotten a message informing me about case sensitivity.

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Glad to hear, because I was going to say that the setting you shared in screenshot isn’t the one. It’s as I shared, which was Web3.

Yeah, this is feedback that has already been given to Wallet devs. Hopefully is something they’ll get to adjusting here before too long.

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