Today, i noticed that Brave Leo doesn’t work, though it’s works about six months ago. I don’t think my Internet connection is somehow involved in this, since there is quite a lot of speed there.
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Hello. I want to set up Leo proxying in the Brave desktop browser so that it works in Russia. If I proxy all browser traffic through the SwithyOmega proxy-tool addon (to which a third-party proxy is connected), then Leo works. But I want to proxy only blocked URLs so as not to slow down normal traffic. So which URL does Leo use? (I’ll write its URL in SwitchyOmega explicitly)
I think there’s two URLs, one for premium and one for free models. brave://skus-internals/ shows one URL in the Leo state and then you can also find the other(s) by exporting all data using brave://net-export/ and analyzing the resulting dump.