Where is the fucntion "open tabs in group"?

Can i ask, where the the function Open tabs in groups?. I love this one, it is probably the unique feature in Brave browser, but idk why i cant change it back, please help. Thank you.


What’s your device type, OS?


I’m assuming your OS is Android since many people actually are confused how to do this after Brave changed the Path in some recent updateds.
Go to settings → Accessibility → Turn off Simplified view for Open tabs
After doing so you’ll be able to see the Group tabs option

Thanks, someone helped me solve it.

Oh my godddd, it worked, thank you very much!!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes:

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If possible please mark it as solved, that helps people searching for similar issues. Thanks!

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I did, very thoughtful of you, nice people!

I meant as like marking as solution, an option when you are viewing replies, but even yours is fine.

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