Where are my BAT going to? // Disconnected // unsupported region


As in my topic: where are my BAT going to when i am disconnected and in a unsuported region?

Just checked today and on both my phones i se that my BATs are being transferred, even though i am disconnected.

Same for my second phone. Will i get paid out, even though technically i shouldn’t?

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they will stay at your phone , so don’t uninstall brave or factory reset phone or you will lost all BAT

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You cannot connect to Uphold/Gemini while your country is not supported. But you can receive rewards.
On the 8th you will get a “Claim” button. You click on it the the rewards will be transferred to your browser. They will be shown in balance.

It looks like this


I’m having the same problem.

Error: Region not supported
Unfortunately, your Brave Rewards cannot be verified because your region is not supported for Brave Rewards verification at this time.

I’ve previously had Gemini connected to Brave and I’m in the UK, not on a VPN at the moment. What’s going on?

Same issue here with and without VPN. Sure it’s only a few quid but i’ve been building it up. Previously verified and now unable to connect due to region isssues.


It seems after some research that gemini is now ONLY supported in the USA for pairing with brave. Wonderful…

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Oh. Wonder what we’re to do?

Maybe time to just go fully ad-free. Gemini kinda sucks now, anyway, as they’re now charging fees to transfer BAT to actually useful wallets.


I think it’s long past time that brave allowed us to withdraw to our own personal wallets anyway. Leaving them on an exchange is always, and has always been a bad idea.


Same issue with veing unable to connect, based in ireland which is listed as supported, using Starlink, and brave browser is updated. UPhold is also verified still get that error message.

Issue that had been occurring with a lot of people is a mismatch between KYC. Uphold sometimes can be content with just updating the mailing address and submitting those documents, but Brave isn’t. What happens is the API communicates between Uphold and Brave about your information. The crazy part is Brave staff can’t access it, but the system does.

So what could be happening is it’s seeing your prior passport for whatever country you were in and it’s telling you it’s an unsupported region based on that. Unless/until that’s updated between their systems, you’ll likely have this problem.

Part of the reason for it is because it’s an extra layer of fraud protection. It’s easy to fake a mailing address but harder to get official government licenses/passport.

Whether you need to submit new passport/government ID from Canada or you already did and Uphold may not have updated, you may want to check with them by doing a support ticket with Uphold at at https://support.uphold.com/hc/en-us/requests/new (according to their support article at https://support.uphold.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043214052-How-to-update-your-information )

You always can try to reach out to Brave’s support as well, by doing a support ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431 1 but Brave will be limited on what they can do if it’s something that needs changing on Uphold’s end.

Well i got paid to my Uphold account, so go figure. I ain’t gonna complain :man_shrugging:t2:

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