Web GL not supported in Brave

I have an iMac that just updated. Before the update, I could play Farmtown in Facebook, with Web GL 1.0. Now, All I get when I try to load Farmtown is “Web GL is not supported”!!!
Please fix this asap or I’ll have to find a different browser! Thanks

Thank you for reaching out.
Can you try going to the following site and tell me if you get the same results (or similar) when trying to play any of these games?

Can you also go to brave://gpu and share a screenshot of what you see at the top, like so:

I tried the Parrot Simulator, but it doesn’t open. Same for Air Wars & Cyber Cars…

Please check the brave://gpu page as mentioned in my previous reply. Can you also tell me if you have any extensions installed at this time?

I have Core Sync & MS One Note. I also have MalwareBytes and Sophos AV installed.

Can you please try disabling these extensions and seeing if it makes any difference? Also, again, can you please show me what you see in the Graphics Feature Status section on the brave://gpu page?

Disabling the extensions had no effect. Here is what the GFS shows:

Graphics Feature Status

  • Canvas: Hardware accelerated
  • Compositing: Hardware accelerated
  • Metal: Disabled
  • Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
  • Out-of-process Rasterization: Unavailable
  • OpenGL: Enabled
  • Rasterization: Unavailable
  • Skia Renderer: Disabled
  • Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
  • WebGL: Hardware accelerated
  • WebGL2: Hardware accelerated

Problems Detected

  • Some GPUs on Mac can perform poorly with GPU rasterization. Disable all known Intel GPUs other than Intel 6th and 7th Generation cards, which have been tested.: 613272, 614468
    Disabled Features: gpu_rasterization

Problems Detected

Disabled Features: gpu_rasterization

  • Some GPUs on Mac can perform poorly with GPU rasterization. Disable all known AMD GPUs other than the R200, R300, and D series, which have been tested.: 613272, 614468
    Disabled Features: gpu_rasterization

Does the same issue occur in Chrome?

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