- Can't write review

Hi there,

I just went online to post a review on & whneever I hit the “Post Review” button, nothing happened.

I should have checked it on Chrome first before contacting Vitacost, but I figured if Chrome is working, than Brave would be too & it wasn’t.

It wasn’t until after they said try another browser that I tried it with Chrome & it worked fine.

I did try it twice on Brave.

So I just went to the “About” area & it says this, but I can see that there’s a new version, so I don’t know if this is the new version or it’s what’s there now - 0.68.140 Chromium: 77.0.3865.90 (Official Build)

I’m on Win 7.

Here’s a SS of what the review popup looks like & the button at the bottom.


This should help, give it 24-48hrs for the lists to update.


Ok, I think it’s working now. I forgot it wasn’t working before & the other day I left another review & I realize now it worked.


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